Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane (Tropical Storm) Irene

 "But Mom! I wanna go out!"

A small tree that hit the corner of the house. Thank goodness that was all!

 Fluffy, protecting our food from possible looters! Kidding. He just likes to sleep in weird places  :)

Found this old thing in the basement. Yay! We can cook!

We were lucky, that by the time Irene hit Connecticut, she had been downgraded to a tropical storm. That doesn't mean she didn't bring the damage though! High winds brought down many, many trees and branches, knocking out power lines all over the state. As of yesterday, 50% of homes and businesses were out of power. Hubby and myself went out to dinner at the Casino after Irene blew through, as it was one of the only places open. All in all, our power was out for about 36 hours. Not too bad considering!
Thinking of everyone effected!

It was very hard to bead with no lights, so I'm a little behind on my schedule, but with a three day weekend coming up I should be prepared for my next show.

1 comment:

  1. OH! I had a Himalyan named Buddy. He died last year at the age of almost 20. I miss that kitty so much. :-(


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